Live and Love the Journey of Life. Have a Happy New Year Everyone. John & Lisa
It has become rather cumbersome to maintain a dozen or more sites around this internet highway. Between FB, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and an assortment of equally significant or lesser sites, the burden of maintaining the ever present redundancy, as we courageously engineer our American dream, has become too much. I think we have more important things to do, don't you think? We think so. That's not to say that we don't value our time together with you, we certainly do. We're just changing the venue.
We'll keep the personal FB pages, I suspect, but all the rest will disappear over time. Slowly, this page and a few other business related pages will be the focus of our attention. You will notice the other pages of note just below this post section.
Anyway, welcome, and please do visit as often as you can. Plenty will be happening in the coming days, months and years.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Happy New Year!
Live and Love the Journey of Life. Have a Happy New Year Everyone. John & Lisa
Happy New Year from That Nutty Redhead
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
The Final Hours
That Nutty Redhead Campaign
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Rounding the Turn!
Remember, 10% off all future orders to those that pledge, plus your reward.
Help Lisa realize her dream. Thanks so much.
That Nutty Redhead
All Things Victorian - 002 - Victorian Fashions
Our sincerest thanks to Cape Ann TV for all their support. Sponsored by That Nutty Redhead. And coming to your town soon...
All Things Victorian - 001 - A Victorian Overview
Our sincerest thanks to Cape Ann TV for all their support. Sponsored by That Nutty Redhead. And coming to your town soon...
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Don't forget us Santa.
That Nutty Redhead
Passion Projects on Twitter
You can now follow us on Twitter. We'll publish a constant flow of info. and events. Thanks Guys for all your support.
Monday, December 22, 2014
New York, New York
It's quite a place, and should you ever have the opportunity to visit it, take it and have a great time.
All Things Victorian Update
I reviewed Show #2 - Victorian Fashions. This one should be done.
I then worked on Show #10 - Victorian Baking - and I suspect it will be a better program. I'll review it tomorrow just to make sure.
The whole point of this is that I'm preparing them for upload to MassAccess. At MassAccess, stations from around the Commonwealth will be able to upload All Things Victorian into their system for airing. We think that considering our First Place Award, stations will be more than happy to add ATV to their respective schedules. I'll spend a fair part of the coming year making sure that this happens.
Then we'll go National!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Followers Wanted
With Old Friends
I've stopped by this place several times over the past years. It's Milford Cemetery, Milford, Pennsylvania. It's a multi-level terrain with a whole lot of character if you're will to root it out. It's also one of my few black & white pieces. I'm doing more in B&W now, because, sometimes it just works better for me.
Last 10 Days! It can be done!
That Nutty Redhead's New Packaging
P.S. Some new and exciting news coming soon, so stay tune.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Dove Descending
One final piece for this evening. Dove Descending was captured in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Rochester, NY. My daughter attended Rochester Institute of Technology, so the time spent visiting afforded me the opportunity of tripping though the local cemeteries.
A Sunday Demo
Thursday, December 18, 2014
All Things Victorian update
The progress continues...
I transferred the two HD Treasures shows that we recorded, here at home, last week. If you remember, they revolve around a Victorian clothing and accessories donation given Lisa by a good friend and fan.
I'm almost done rebuilding program #1 - A Victorian Overview. It had been accidentally damaged, but reparable, and then I decided to apply what I have learned this past year to the original footage. It's coming along just fine. I do hope to complete it by Monday.
All the shows will be uploaded to Mass Access, for Ma. stations to review and add to their play list. We can't wait for that.
Finally, if there's any interest in underwriting All Things Victorian, please let us know. Thanks.
New Fans on Kickstarter
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
The Final Days
Friendship of Salem
Monday, December 15, 2014
Holiday Orders w/That Nutty Redhead
Now is the time to place your, gluten free, 'nutty' order with That Nutty Redhead. You can do it through our That Nutty Redhead website at That Nutty Redhead, or, for local Cape Ann orders you can email Lisa at, or call her at 978-412-5662. Either way, place your nut and/or fudge order as early as possible. There's a quick turnaround right now. So many thanks and Happy Holiday.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Things to Do Tomorrow
Today, we picked up another fabulous donation. I'm thinking that there's another show in this collection.
Recently I was contacted by my publisher regarding a Civil War letters book that I had created. I must finish it.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
That Nutty Redhead @ the Essex Farmers Market Holiday Festival
Friday, December 12, 2014
Treasures Pt. 1
Lisa received an email from a good friend and fan, Kim Sliney, alerting Lisa that she (Kim) had a stack of Victorian & Edwardian clothing that she would like to give Lisa. Finally, last Sunday a hole appeared in our schedule, and we thought that it might be just the time for a short ride to Belmont to meet with Kim, and to pick up the precious goods. We were not disappointed. We were so pleased that we thought it might make for a very interesting program, or two, if we were to open the boxes for the viewers, then permitting Lisa to do what she does best, describe each article as it appeared.
It was a smashing success, we thought. I set a high back chair by the fireplace and threw a log on. Lisa brought in a cup of tea, and I let the cameras roll.
I'll work on the two shows this week, so I do hope to have them on air shortly. You won't be disappointed.
P.S. We just received a call from another Lady that wants to donate her family collection to Lisa. We're going over to take a gander this Sunday.
P.S. P.S. Keep'm coming!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
That Nutty Redhead Update!
A Sled Riding We Will Go
If there's a photo that delivers me to the doorstep of my youth, it would be this one. The merry winters of days gone by were actually fun. As the maintenance men shoveled out the schools of my youth, I went sled riding down a rather long and adventurous hill by the Whitestone Bridge. Sledder beware was the word on the street, as it ended at the waters edge. Thankfully, I never combined sled riding with snorkeling.
There was also a fine piece of real estate on 21st Ave. and 149th Street. It was short and sweet and steep! And close enough to home for lunch and a little TV.
Central Cemetery, Beverly, Massachusetts