It has become rather cumbersome to maintain a dozen or more sites around this internet highway. Between FB, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and an assortment of equally significant or lesser sites, the burden of maintaining the ever present redundancy, as we courageously engineer our American dream, has become too much. I think we have more important things to do, don't you think? We think so. That's not to say that we don't value our time together with you, we certainly do. We're just changing the venue.

We'll keep the personal FB pages, I suspect, but all the rest will disappear over time. Slowly, this page and a few other business related pages will be the focus of our attention. You will notice the other pages of note just below this post section.

Anyway, welcome, and please do visit as often as you can. Plenty will be happening in the coming days, months and years.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

All Things Victorian - 015 - Live Fashion Show - DAR

Victoriana Lady Lisa presents her first live fashion show before the Daughters of the American Revolution in Rockport, MA.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

All Things Victorian - 013 - Treasures from Grandma's Attic, pt. 2

The latest from our award winning program, All Things Victorian. Treasures from Grandma's Attic explores the most recent donation of Victorian apparel from a dear friend. It was all as much a surprise to me, as to you. Thanks Kim :) - Episode 13, part 2.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Whole Foods Market update

Our That Nutty Redhead Gourmet Nut product is currently in 13 Whole Foods Markets in Massachusetts, and 1 in New Hampshire. 

They are:
Bedford, Bellingham, Cambridge/Prospect St., Lynnfield, Medford, Melrose, Nashua/N.H., Newton, Newtonville, Somerville, South Weymouth, Swampscott, Wellesley, Woburn.

We should be adding 3 or 4 more shortly, so stay tuned.

The ICAM schedule

For all of you living in Ipswich, Massachusetts, here goes the schedule for All Things Victorian on Ipswich Community Access Media. But, first, Lisa and I would like to welcome our neighbor, ICAM, to the All Things Victorian family.

The time slots are:
Th - 6:30pm
Fr - 7:30am
M - 1pm & 9pm

RCM & GCTV come on board

We would like to welcome Rowley Community Media, and Georgetown Community TV, both in Massachusetts, to the All Things Victorian family.

We've added so many recently, and I'll try to get all of you up to speed with all our new additions. It's wonderful watching our baby fly.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Northshore Magazine

At least up here on the North Shore, the place to be is in Northshore Magazine. And so it was to be for our That Nutty Redhead. It's quite an honor, and we're so proud and gratified. Everybody reads Northshore Magazine.

Access Nashua schedule

This week on Access Nashua...
All Things Victorian - Treasures from Grandmas Attic

Watch Our Live Stream at

+Sun7/12/20151:30:00 pmAccess Nashua
+Sat7/11/20159:30:00 pmAccess Nashua
+Fri7/10/201511:30:00 amAccess Nashua
+Thu7/9/20152:30:00 pmAccess Nashua
+Wed7/8/201510:30:00 pmAccess Nashua
+Tue7/7/201512:30:00 pmAccess Nashua

New ATV stations

We would like to welcome Brookdale Television in N.J. - and SAPA-TV in Springfield, VT. - to the All Things Victorian Family.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

2015 Hometown Media Awards

Cape Ann TV notified us the other day, that our series program, All Things Victorian, won 3 - 2015 Alliance for Community Media - Hometown Media Awards. HMA's are national. Understandably, we're thrilled, honored, and still a little in shock. We're told that one is a hugh deal, but three is simply incredible!…
The categories are:
Entertainment & Arts - Series - All Things Victorian
Informational Talk Show - Single Episode - Steampunk w/Bruce Rosenbaum
Instructional/Training - Single Episode - The Queen's Kitchen/Victorian Baking

The All Things Victorian award-winning preview segments:

This has been a rather encouraging turn of events.

That Nutty Redhead events this week

Week of July 6, 2015:

1. Thurs. - 7/9 - Crosby's Market - Marblehead, Ma - 11:30-1:30
2. Fri. - 7/10 - Cider Hill Farm - Amesbury, Ma - 1-4
3. Sat. - 7/11 - Rockport Farmers Market - 9-1

Thursday, June 18, 2015

All Things Victorian - 012 - Treasures from Grandma's Attic, pt.1

The latest from our award winning program, All Things Victorian. Treasures from Grandma's Attic explores the most recent donation of Victorian apparel from a dear friend. It was all as much a surprise to me, as to you. Thanks Kim :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Access Nashua - All Things Victorian - Edwardian Fashions

12:30:00 pm

2:30:00 pm

7:30:00 pm

5:30:00 pm

1:30:00 pm

8:30:00 pm

This week on Access Nashua. All Things Victorian w/Victoriana Lady Lisa - Edwardian Fashions. Tune in!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Empty Chair

Empty Chair
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Meant to memorialize a young child's death. Also representing a child's presence, a lamb sits behind.

New That Nutty Redhead packaging

A small portion of the new packaging will be here on or about April 7th. The bulk due some 5 weeks later. We air shipped the former; ocean going for the latter. Soon Guys.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

All Things Victorian - Access Nashua - Schedule

For all those in the Nashua, N.H. area, you can watch All Things Victorian w/Victoriana Lady Lisa on Access Nashua - Channel 96 - on the following days & times:

Granite in Victorian America

Sun4/5/20151:02:21 pm

Sat4/4/20159:00:00 pm

Fri4/3/201511:00:00 am

Thu4/2/20152:00:00 pm

Wed4/1/201510:00:00 pm
Tue3/31/201512:00:00 pm
Mon3/30/201510:00:00 am

Support your local Community Access TV station,
support your community.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

New stations for All Things Victorian

We would like to welcome:

B.I.G. - Brookline, Ma.
Sandwich Community TV - Sandwich, Ma.
LPCTV - Ludlow, Vermont
Access Nashua - Nashua, N.H.
CVTV - Barre, Vermont
OPTV - Oradell, N.J.
Hudson Community TV - Hudson, N.H.
Falls Cable - Buckland, Ma.

Adding more shortly...

If you're a member of your local access station, and would like to sponsor ATV at your station, please let us know. Many thanks.


Believe me, can't get here soon enough!

SOLD! Artrageous29!

When we first got to Montserrat College for the Art's - Artrageous29! - event, I was dismayed to find that there weren't any bids yet on my piece, That Final Moment. After all, the auction had been going for, at least, a half hour! Panic was setting in. Drowning my sorrows in, no...not booze, some Chinese delicacies, roasted vegetables of all kinds, cheeses, and flatbread pizza, we wandered around as I worked through my misery.
Lisa had surgery on Monday, so we did not stay for very long. But before leaving, she wanted to take my photo in front of work. "OK, if you insist." As we approached, I started to notice some scribbling on the sheet just next to my work. Yeah!
Now to work on next years piece. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

All Things Victorian - 010 - Queen's Kitchen, pt.1

The Queen's Kitchen is now open for review - HD. It is a revised version of an earlier episode, and we hope you'll enjoy this one as much as you did the former. ATV010 is the first of a line of programs that will be recorded in Hi-Definition; standard is old hat. In this episode, Lisa bakes for you her Orange Marmalade Tea Bread, Lavender Scones, and Balmoral Shortbread Cookies. So, nestle up with a cup of tea and enjoy. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Finally Front Page :)

Lisa in the Gloucester Daily Times

It's a fine article on That Nutty Redhead. Do enjoy. We think the article in North Shore Magazine will be in the May issue. The photoshoot for that one is this coming Monday.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

All Things Victorian - 010 - Victorian Baking

I'm rebuilding our first High-Def episode of All Things Victorian - Victorian Baking - and it should be complete shortly. I'm about a third of the way through. It's a whole lot slower than editing a standard-def program, but I'm still having loads of fun doing it. 

Gloucester Daily Times / Northshore Magazine articles coming soon!

The Gloucester Daily Times is coming today to photograph Lisa for an upcoming article about That Nutty Redhead, and Victoriana Lady Lisa. On Friday, Northshore Magazine will be here for same. It's working :)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

TNR Packaging is ordered.

The new That Nutty Redhead packaging has been ordered! Payment was reported received by Once the Chinese get done with their New Year, we can get underway. Thanks Guys for all your support. If you would like to make an additional, or first time, pledge - as there is so much more to do like get another TinMan - please contact Lisa.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ancient Burying Ground

These two came from the same burying ground in Beverly, Massachusetts, that just so happens to be neighbors with a pre-school. It's called the Ancient Burying Ground, and it's a stones throw from Montserrat College of Art, which was my intended destination. A good find. I was amazed at both finds; a playground at one end, and a bedroom(sic) at the other.

Playground of the Perished

Someone's Been Sleeping On My Grave

Ladies of the Cemetery

I'm sure that these two Ladies are bearing great weight from our unending winters snowfall. But as Ladies usually will, they'll come out just fine. A couple of my Black & White pieces.

Mehetable - Corner Cemetery, Amesbury, Ma.

Mrs. Whipple of Ipswich - South End Cemetery, Ipswich, Ma.

Finally! All Things Victorian is on its way

Well now, I finally uploaded the first 8 episodes of All Things Victorian w/ Victoriana Lady Lisa to MyMassTV at MassAccess. Now, the rest of the Commonwealth's community access stations will be able to license our shows for airing at their respective stations.
That being said, if you have a community access station within eyeshot of your home, please notify them of this offering; that is if your a resident of Massachusetts. If not, I can still get the programming directly to a station near you. Please let us know. Thanks

Sunday, February 15, 2015

All Things Victorian - 008 - Antiques 101

Lisa and Henry discuss the highs, and lows, with respect to discoveries found in Grandma's Attic. This is the first of two shows with Henry. Enjoy.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

All Things Victorian - 003 - Victorian Accessories

I'm just never satisfied. Another version of 003. The ending, when Lisa releases her locks, bothered me terribly. So I fixed it. Otherwise, everything is the same. Enjoy.

All Things Victorian - 007 - Edwardian Accessories

A revised version of All Things Victorian - 007 - Edwardian Accessories. Do hope that you enjoy this version as much as you did the original.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mr. Roberts' Cold Feet

Mr. Roberts' Cold Feet - St. Paul's Graveyard, Newburyport, Ma.

This one was taken quite some time ago. Considering the recent snowfall, I'm quite sure that Mr. Roberts has more than cold feet.

Monday, February 2, 2015

All Things Victorian: Artist Joseph Hernandez's portrait of Victoriana L...

All Things Victorian: Artist Joseph Hernandez's portrait of Victoriana L...: My Facebook friend Joseph Hernandez did this lovely portrait of me in one of my favorite antique hats and Ostrich feather fans.


Despite it all, I wouldn't leave - Rockport, Massachusetts.

Of course, Lisa's on the beach collecting glass, shells and pottery.

Nat's down on Front Beach

Main Street

A couple from Dock Square

Down on Front Beach

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sea & Snow

Suffice it to say there was no resting around here earlier this week. It was a sight to behold, but behold you must while still in a vigorous stride. I have a couple of more that I'm working on and will post shortly. And now I'm told that more is coming.

Updates from the Passion Projects

Please pardon the delay. Things are swinging around here. Anyway...

1. Newburyport Farmers Market has invited us to come up and discuss joining their merry band of merchants at their summer farmers market. We should do reasonably well as it's a tourist stop, and That Nutty Redhead does well at tourist stops. We'll shoot up there tomorrow.

2. Tuck's Candies of Rockport just ordered three cases of our That Nutty Redhead for their new store in Lynnfield, Ma. Hopefully things will start to ramp up for the coming year with other vendors.

3. Had the fitting yesterday in Boston for another movie filming on the 11th. I'll be an extra, and always a fun and interesting time is had.

4. My piece was, once again, accepted to the Artrageous!29 auction held by Montserrat College of Art in Beverly! It was a lovely time last year, and my piece did sell.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Join us at Twitter -

Verses By Candlelight

Might be doing this tomorrow as this blizzard passes. So far it's just a whole lot of wind.

Photo captured in Cypress Hills Cemetery, Queens, New York.

All Things Victorian - 004 - Victorian Superstitions

Got Juno? Perfect time to learn something about Victorian Superstitions. Have any of your own?

All Things Victorian - 005 - Granite in Victorian America

Got Juno? Perfect time to learn something about Granite in Victorian America. Those monuments didn't get there by themselves. 

All Things Victorian - 006 - Edwardian Fashions

Got Juno? Perfect time to brush up on Edwardian Fashions. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

All Things Victorian this week

You know about episodes 3 & 4, they are as complete as they are going to get at this point, and have been uploaded to YouTube. Episode 5 of local interest - Granite in Victorian America - should be complete by end of day tomorrow.
The Edwardian shows - 6 & 7 - show be done by end of week, I hope; at least 6.
Future planned shows are as follows:
Another Steampunk episode, this time dealing with the fashions and the ties to the Victorians.
How about a show dedicated to Victorian Flirtation?
And I'm piecing together a Mourning show.
All three will be green screened for added effect.

It's going to get interesting now :)

Bye,Bye, B.B.

Bye, Bye, B.B. - Here are 3, works in progress, variations of the same stone. Lately, I've been playing with B&W on my pieces. In the past I've avoided B&W like the plaque, but now I've come to appreciate the additional emotion whether ghoulish, suspenseful or mournful, that is emphasized by the reduction of all color. I don't wish to get in the habit of it, but I'll continue to be more open minded about change :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

All Things Victorian - 003 - Victorian Accessories

The revised version of All Things Victorian - 003 - Victorian Accessories. I wish that I didn't have to rebuild it, but I'm glad I did. Do hope you enjoy.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

At Rest

I finally got had a halfway decent sleep last night. Between All Things Victorian, That Nutty Redhead, book deadlines, new work, money & more, the last week or more has been spent in unwelcome restlessness.
This piece captured in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Ma.

Jim Morrison's Grave in Paris

A piece from Douglas Keister. Be sure to pick up his latest cemetery release, "Stories in Stone: Paris".

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Week Ahead at the Passion Projects

Tomorrow, I should be able to complete the editing work on All Things Victorian - 004 - Victorian Superstitions. It's very exciting to watch the new additional graphics on display. We do have new Superstition shows in the works. With this show complete, I'll, one, start on the rebuilding of 005 - Granite in Victorian America (of local interest with national impact), and, upload the first 4 shows to Mass Access for the rest of the Commonwealth. Cape Ann TV will e-blast all the other community access stations in the Commonwealth once ATV is available. That reminds me, I do have to replace the first four shows on Cape Ann TV's website with the new versions. I'll keep you all updated as this adventure unfolds.

New stores are already signing up for That Nutty Redhead product, with the new packaging. It will be the week that we actually order the new packaging. Here's a sample - 

It will come in two 8oz. & two 2oz. packaging. We'll fly with the New England Praline w/ Sea Salt & Breakfast in New England to start. The 'GF' stands for Gluten Free!
FYI, for all those that pledged to our Kickstarter campaign, we're going to wait for the new packaging to arrive before sending out your rewards. You guys should be the first to receive our new prize. Thanks again for all your support.

I do need to return back to the job of completing my Civil War Letters book - With Pen in Hand - for Schiffer Publishing. I hope to have it done by the summer months.

Cross vs. Tree

I took this photo in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York, sometimes I wonder if this cross is still using this tree as a rest stop. I remember the tree was leaning a bit, but rooted strong enough to withstand the continued force. If anyone knows, please let me know.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Working with Superstitions

Tomorrow I start rebuilding show #4 of All Things Victorian. One of our favorites - Victorian Superstitions. This version is going to smoke! One of these days I'll rerecord it in High-Def., but it's still fun?

Road Trip

This piece was a capture during a recent visit with my daughter living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I do not miss living in Brooklyn, but this scene did evoke a sense of familiarity, of home, in me as I was setting up the shot. After all, I am a New Yorker. But, then was then and now is now, and I'm perfectly happy in the now.

2015 and Beyond

(Broken Chain - Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts)

There is much to do in this new year. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and an assortment of useless diversions are gone, and I believe I'm the better for it. Old friends will stay in my heart, if not in life, but new friends await. My sights are set on the many horizons before me. 
For one, I need to get back to my work and books in waiting. I have such a back catalogue of pieces to attend to. But it's not just the return to photography and writing, it's the return to a former mental functionality that allowed me the joy of creating. Basically, I have to reignite my creative 'mojo'. My attention has met with many diversions over the past few years. For the most part good ones, but diversions nonetheless. Something inside is tugging at me, and it's time to go back when.
Our television show, All Things Victorian, has taken quite a turn in 2014, and I'll not drop the ball on this project. It's an award winner! And who would have guessed it would have extracted a First Place in such a competitive field, in it's first year! ATV has my, and our, ardent attention in 2015.
And for the Lady, and her business, my undivided, undying, Love and Dedication. One Nutty Redhead I've waited for all my life; the other Nutty Redhead, a welcomed appointment. To do is too heal, and heal we must together and forever.
Onward and Upward I always like to say. Have a Great and Happy New Year everyone.